Is That Normal? Podcast Episode 3 – Growing With REVIEW

This EPISODE is a review of the book Growing With by Kara Powell and Steven Argue. If you are in a position of influence over young people ages 13-28, we strongly encourage you to grab a copy of this book and look further into the concepts we highlight in this podcast.

Growing With is a resource associated with several other organizations and products that we mention in this episode, such as…

ORANGE ministry partner

Fuller Youth Institute

Growing Young – Powell & Argue’s prior related work

Sticky Faith Youth Curriculum

As for Growing With, the big overall standout to us was the book’s paradigm shift to lifelong parenting at different capacities through different stages. We don’t stop being a parent on our child’s 18th birthday, but our roles must shift in conjunction with their changing role. Here’s a general guide to what they say those roles are:

LEARNERS are adolescents age 13-18. During this period of development, parents need to be TEACHERS, intentionally helping their child learn and develop relational, vocational, and spiritual abilities.

EXPLORERS are young adults age 18-23. During this period of time, parents need to transition to GUIDES who reflect and point their children to progress as they investigate and explorer their life and possibilities.

And FOCUSERS are young adults age 23-29. During this life-stage, parents need to become RESOURCERS who are available with advice and experience when their child decides to seek them out.

We found Growing With a fantastic resource that we believe will help parents and others that work with young people continue the necessary conversations to promote growth into faith-filled, fully-functioning adults.

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