In this heart-focused EPISODE, we discussed the necessity of evaluating what’s inside our hearts to make sure we have the right behavior on the outside. Too often we get that backwards, but, as Jesus reminded us, our mouths speak from the overflow of the heart. (Luke 6:45)
Some of the foundational thoughts behind this episode come from Andy Stanley’s book. You can get it in it’s updated version – Enemies of the Heart – or in it’s original format complete with cool monster-movie references – It Came From Within!
We went through some basic steps to helping ourselves and our families evaluate our hearts:
- ASK HEART QUESTIONS – Make planned times to lead our families to introspection.
- IDENTIFY MOTIVES – Unveil the root issues behind behaviors and conflicts.
- REMEMBER THE GOAL – We are wanting to develop people; not just stop behavior.
We’re so glad you checked out our podcast today. We pray that some of our ideas help your family to grow closer to Christ. We’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, or questions. You can leave those in the comment section of whatever platform you are receiving this information on. We also encourage you to share this podcast with others and write a review through your podcast app, so we can get the word out more!
Be Abnormal!!