While we love ROCKSTARS and ROB JONES, in this podcast we make the great point that the most influential people in a child’s life are potentially their parents. As a parent, you have a unique and broad platform to be a spiritual influence in your child’s life now and in the future.
You don’t have to be a Bible scholar or have it all together to do this. Some of the basic starting points we discussed in this EPISODE are:
Start with prayer: Make a daily “big things only God can do” prayer list and include your children on it.
Share your journey: When we share our path to trusting in Christ (messes and detours included), it can really help a young person see their way through their own journey.
Be Intentional: Influencing your children for Christ is not easy and will never happen if you don’t make a plan and an effort.
Listen: Make sure you don’t do all the talking, but make yourself available to really hear where they are at – in life and in faith. And sometimes that means losing some sleep!
Lastly, we want to encourage you. You’re not alone. You will make mistakes. You won’t have all the answers, but when we make the margin, have the courage, and, if need be, say I’m sorry, we are going to find ourselves poised to be the greatest youth leaders our kids could ever have!!
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Here on our website – isthatnormal.org (click on the SUBSCRIBE at the bottom of the page)
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Be Abnormal!!